
Make an API call to the REPLICATE reconstruction server

This API effectively mirrors reconstruction server functionality.
(TEMP: calls are made with Content Server rights)

Returns a list of Reconstruction server commands which can be issued

Example response:


: [





















Get list of Reconstruction server users

Get list of scenes

For each scene, a description, id, and user information is provided.

Example response:


: [


: true,



"Mon, 28 Nov 2016 10:01:17 -0000"




"tev model"



: 11,


: {


: 0,


: null


: {


: 2,



"Fabio Poiesi"


Get reconstructions for a scene. The id of scene must be provided

The list of reconstructions is returned.

The lastest reconstruction is normally the last in the list.

Example response:


: [



"Mon, 05 Dec 2016 08:56:11 -0000"



: 195,


: 0,


: {



"Fountain (215Kb)"



: 25





The asset URL given in the JSON is without extension.
You must add .ply or .nvm to the asset URL.

Thus thus full URL of the above asset is:
(It can be seen to be an empty ASCII PLY file)
