Fraunhofer HHI

Fraunhofer HHI is primarily working on object modelling and rendering. One particular challenge is the 3D reconstruction of complex objects from mobile images, and extracting additional object properties to enrich the final geometric model, e.g. especially deformation and articulation properties. They are also developing rendering methods to intelligently blend and fuse the final models into images (e.g. the current view captured on a mobile device). For a realistic insertion of different digital content, adaptations in terms of lighting, colour and quality will be addressed.

Fraunhofer HHI has a long tradition in marketing its R&D results by licensing intellectual property in its algorithms, software, and hardware solutions to industry. The novel methods for multimodal 3D reconstruction and AR visualization developed within REPLICATE will strengthen HHI’s position as an international centre of excellence for interactive 3D video processing technologies and thus create new opportunities for projects and collaborations. HHI sees a high market potential for these technologies in the fields of Creativity, for example movie productions, but also for tele-presence and gaming. Besides exploitation in collaboration with existing industrial partners, the technologies will be marketed through the 3D Innovation Centre (, which acts as a platform for technology transfer between industry and academia. In addition, HHI will further develop the methods and software tools towards marketable products or components.